Our 8-week revolutionary marketing program is about to change your life...
and take your service-based or consulting business to 6-figures
You'll learn the 8 core marketing elements you need in today's online business world. Katrina Aronson, small business marketing expert, human-first marketer & 10-year+ entrepreneur, is spilling the secrets and she'll teach you exactly how to implement them into your business so you can not only get leads, but regularly make sales like the bada$$ boss inside you.
In Launchpad, you will have access to:
Step-by-step video lessons
Cutting edge human-first knowledge
Workbooks to bring the lessons to life
Our proven methods & templates to use forever
🎉 And, 2 Live Coaching Calls to move that needle (intimate group)
Our clients actually get off the struggle bus by learning & implementing specific marketing strategies that are highly impactful and totally doable -- getting clients & making sales without grinding!

“I never thought I would have such a successful business while also being a single mom, but now I officially do"
“I doubled my revenue in 6 months by finally focusing on what really matters"
*this is exactly what is inside Launchpad and what Melissa applied
“I had my very first 10k month after putting Launchpad into action. I am proof that this strategy works..."
Does it feel like marketing mayhem?
The "eat-sleep-breathe" social media, go viral or bust, go-go-go culture is sooooo broken.
And it's a BIG lie.
You can absolutely run a 6-figure+ business without spending your life on social media or going viral. Seriously. You just need simple marketing strategies in place to back you up so you can stop chasing and start creating success.
The problem is: "How do you know which strategies to use?"
Great question, boo. Most business owners are asking the same thing --- and if they aren't, they're probably struggling.
The truth is -- Marketing today is shifting faster than ever, but if you don't keep up, you risk getting left behind in the dust.
Maybe you've already tried to DIY your marketing strategy and fallen flat because you don't really know what you are doing.
Maybe you're over the social media rat race and you want to know how to run a business without being a slave to the algorithms (UGH!).
Or, maybe you are just ready to take control of your marketing and hit an easeful 6-figures ... (no explanation necessary).
I've been exactly where you are, my friend... full of passion, but freakin' exhausted.
Things really took off for me once I got as serious about my marketing as I was about my coffee.
In my 10+ years as an entrepreneur, I've seen a loooot of BS in the form of advice & promises out there. And since AI has entered the room, anyone can whip up a half-brained marketing strategy that looks just like everyone else's.
Frankly, this is a great thing for you...
It's your cue to stand out and create marketing that catches your audience's eye.
And has them checkin' you out like a guest appearance from their 90's heartthrob.
That's why in Launchpad we laser-focus on the 8 core marketing elements that will not only transform how you get leads, teach you how to turn those into regular sales, but we use cutting edge human-first knowledge that magnetizes your marketing like the best brands around.
The strategies in Launchpad are not just the ones I've used in my own service + consulting business to scale to 6-figures, but I've also helped over 150 clients grow with these strategies.
🎉 Small businesses that use human-first strategies in their business have about 50% more sales! 🎉
It's fair to say, Launchpad is the rocket fuel your business needs ... and I'll show you how to turn it into success beyond social media in just 8 weeks.
Think about it: in just 2 months, you'll have an entirely new sense of confidence about your business because you will know how to be fierce with your marketing instead of being scared of it.
Let's turn the volume up on your marketing, and enjoy the process.... YOU IN?
PLUS if you join now, you get a FREE 1:1 Power Strategy Session worth $395!

A Peek Inside Launchpad
The 8 Core Elements Unveiled
1. Owning Your Edge
Your marketing doesn't start with social media posts. It starts with you simply talking about what you do.
You need to know what makes you special as a business... and be able to articulate it so you can attract clients.
I walk you thought how to identify this and start talking about your business in a new way. No more Plain Janes up in here.
2. Offers & Pricing That Draws Them In
Your offers are not just "what you do", but it is a promise you are giving your clients. It needs to be strong and speak to their needs --- and I'll show you how to do this.
Your pricing also needs to be fully aligned with your offer. I share a formula so your pricing and offers has clients saying, "hell yes"
3. How To Sell With Your Client Journey
Your client experience is not just for after they become clients. You can wow your clients well before they come on board and make working together a no-brainer.
I'll show you how to get in touch with your client journey, and make it bada$$.
4. How To Systemize For 6-Figures
What systems do you need to scale to 6-figures with ease? Our systems expert will walk you through what you need now and how to use you can use it to make impact on both your clients & you.
5. Your Messaging & Content Blueprint
82% of small business owners don't "understand messaging", and that's a huge bummer. Don't worry because I'll show you how to use our proprietary messaging system so you can write your nail your messaging every time.
And I'll teach you how to plan and write your content using AI & messaging combined so you can get your brand out there... and get leads knocking on your door.
6. Building a Simplified Funnel
Funnels are a really powerful way to scale your marketing, but they can be intimidating AF. I will show you how to build a simple funnel using just 2 systems you probably already have.
Funnels are a way to nurture and increase sales and you will know exactly how to create them for your business.
7. How To Optimize Your Digital Real Estate
The places where your business lives in the digital space, like your website and your social media bio, is your digital real estate.
These should be way more than place holders, and should work for you to make sales. You'll learn the basics of optimizing your digital real estate so you're getting the most out of it.
8. Final Integration
The last step in our process is to integrate the steps together to create a system with human-first knowledge.
You'll cement the pieces of your new marketing structure and turn it into a real system. This is a magical step that makes your hard work a reality.
You get 2 intimate group coaching calls to get you there with accountability & high-touch expertise access. These calls are worth over $700, but we INCLUDE them in Launchpad!

8 Weeks of Learning & Implementing
You will spend 8 weeks going step by step through Launchpad, and learn the human-first strategies and tools. These are broken into modules that you can watch, learn, and do work alongside.
Then, you will apply them to your business and bring them to life.
Live Coaching x 2
You have access to 2 coaching calls with me (Katrina). These calls are typically only available to private clients. These are very intimate group calls -- not big groups that limits your time -- so you get your questions answered and also learn from others' journeys (big bonus). These calls are highly correlated with accountability and success!
Reap The Rewards
The real growth happens when you hit the ground running, and bring the strategies to life. You will have access to the lessons for 6 months so you can keep referencing.
Everything that you have put into action will start reaping the rewards!
Let's Talk Price
We created Launchpad as a boutique experience for your success and your budget.
Worth over $5100
Access to proprietary lessons, templates, and workbooks x 8 : Value $2300
Intimate coaching & accountability sessions x 2 : Value $700
Access to guest expert bonus lessons x 2: Value $900
Our AI formulas for all of your content creation: Value $1200
You Get Access for Just $997

Get exclusive access to early-bird surprises for the powerhouse program, Launchpad, by signing up for the waitlist below. When we open the doors, you will get the emails first.
**There is no commitment by just joining the waitlist!

Hey, human-first marketing is not rocket science, it simply leverages behavior sciences and marketing that we already know works. When we do that, the power of marketing is truly unleashed.
By the end of Launchpad, you will:
Know exactly how to get regular leads into your business without any ads or gross trickery
Learn how to turn 50% more leads into sales with a simple system
Have a new superpower of getting inside your clients' minds and hearts
We've made this more simple than ever in a high-touch experience, without the high-touch price.

About Katrina Aronson
Katrina worked on Wallstreet before launching her first business in 2013. She's grown 2 multi-6-figure businesses while being a busy mom, and learning to navigate the online business space.
She's worked with over 150 female entrepreneurs and is on a mission to level the playing field for women, making information accessible and remove the intimidation.
Katrina blends her background in both business and psychology to bring the most expansive experience to the entrepreneurial journey. She's a certified Neuro-marketer, a mom, and a perfectionist's worst nightmare.